So last week was really stress full and productive. I've been learning as much as possible before my biology competition on Saturday and that's why I didn't write Friday's article, I'm so sad because of it.
The second part of Saturday I spend with my friends in the city, on sipping soy latte and visiting cinema. I needed to keep calm and keep warm, because this weekend was really cold.

This post is featuring too this beautiful coat designed by… my MUM :). She's really creative person and my biggest inspiration for years. She showed me what's fashion and taught me how to play with clothing and colours and that's one of her projects. I love it so much !

When I woke up on Saturday I saw snow outside, and the whole story happened again, smile on my face and two hours ago there were no snow, everything melted. Sorry this winter I think we can't wait for snow.

Sunday - fun day I spend in my bed with my laptop, good book, soy latte and with some healthy snacks  ( strawberries and almonds are always the best idea ). I needed to relax, but I'm still stressed while waiting for results of my competition. It will be more peace full week so I will spend more time on VICIRAGE. Stay updated !

outfit of the day:
Coat: designed by my Mum :)
Bag: Stradivaius
Shoes: Wojas 
Trousers: New Look 


  1. Świetne zdjęcia i pomysł na tło!

  2. Perfect style :) I love this look! I love your blog and I have followed you with Bloglovin. If you ever get a chance to check out my blog I would be delighted, thanks!

    Camille xo

  3. Wow beautiful winter look. I love your coat. Your mom is so talented!

    xx /

  4. Such a cute, preppy jacket!

  5. Great post i love your blog <3
    İ am following you now.You can also follow me back please !
    Kisses !


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