Happy 2016! I hope this year is going to be better and much more productive than the previous one! Any resolutions guys? Mine is definitely to do more in a shorter time. I mean we have limited time, we are still in a hurry and I wanna try to use this time more effectively. Currently, I'm learning to my economy competition about which I've been writing you in the last article. This science became my passion a bit lately. I spend, I can say 99% of my time on doing something that's connected with it. And I'm happy. Talking back about resolutions... Mine ? Definitely being more healthy, happy and hungry of the success of course and that's also what I wish you all.
The new year is a great time to change something. I also want to be back here more often. Few moths ago I've been writing much more often. I'm sad that I don't right now and try to work on it. As I said, I want to do more in the same time, my resolution for the next few years I guess is not to forget about Vicirage. Maybe I will be writing not that often, but I will, promise!

What are your New Year resolutions? Let me know in the comment down below and don't forget to check out another article from today. New Years resolutions kit, wish list! Have a nice day and stay motivated.
If you can't stop thinking about it, don't stop working for it ! 

outfit of the day:
Coat: Stradivarius
Dress: Hey Fashion!
Shoes: Lasocki


  1. Ślicznie wyglądasz :)

  2. Great Resolution! happy 2016!

  3. So pretty! Love dress:)

  4. Such an amazing outfit!
    How did you not freeze?!
    Kinga x

  5. So pretty ! Great blog !


Thank you for every comment you add. It's the biggest motivation for me !