Very crazy week is lasting now. A lot of exams but I feel like a bit different than always. When I wake up in the morning it's light outside, when I go out of my house it's not freezing cold and I just have this power, to live, to work, to do anything ! I just love this feeling when you wake up in the morning and just feel happy and full of power and ready to fight the day ! This winter wasn't the worst but luckily that's the end !

During the winter to school I was wearing cozy leggings and big sweater, my hair always were messy or I've been making a bun, a bit of make-up that's all. Now when I wake up in the morning I just want to feel and be beautiful, make my make-up perfect and take care of my hair. Spend some time on doing my outfit perfect in every part. I'm just full of optimism. I'm smiling all the time, love to do some rollerblading or cycling, with family or alone. It's not important if you have a perfect body or something different to do, some work out always will give an extra portion of energy and power !

Spring is here, so remember to take care of your hair, skin and body ! Eat healthy and do a lot of work out exercises. Also listening to some cool music can help you to forget about depressive winter. Let's go to the city with friends and go for a walk, drink some smoothie, it's time to eat more vitamins guys ! In a short time we will have fresh fruits straight from our gardens, summer is closer than you think !

So wish you as always a fabulous day and stay strong and kick off the day !

outfit of the day:
Shoes: Kazar
Bracelet: Monnari 
Blazer: Stradiarius 
T-shirt: Stradivarius 
Skirt: House 


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