Good Morning my stylish readers ! It's Tuesday, second day of school after exams and I must admit that even with weather bad as hell today I feel amazing. I have much more free time in the morning, because I don't have to learn something, I have much more time after school too, so I can spend some time with family, friends or doing a sport. It's fantastic and I just can't wait to summer, it will be an amazing time.

Lightness… That was the main think when I was choosing this outfit. Grey skirt, which I love for spring for it's very light and soft material, this fabulous top, which is really universal and very flawless too and the striped blazer. I think that wearing outfits like this is such a pleasure, when everything is very comfy, but very nice and chic.

I'm in the moment of my life when I have to choose a path of carrier. It's really hard thing for me. Why? Because I don't even know who I want to be ? Yesterday at school we had a special talk with work consultant to think about our preferences and before this ours which we spent with him I thought that maybe I will be a lawyer, but parents always wanted me to be a doctor. It's hard as hell, because when we made a test, she told me that my preferences are to be a : model, photographer, plastic surgeon or an interior architect. I'm so fixed, because next year at high-school I will have to choose a special items which will make me ready to matur.

I know that this decisions will change my whole, entire life and they are very important, but I think that it's to early for me. There are some people who from the primary school know who they want to be in the future, I change my mind hundred times per second so maybe it's time to think more about it ?

outfit of the day:
Skirt: House
Shoes: Wojas
Top: Top Shop
Blazer: H&M
Bracelet: Stradivarius


  1. I love this photos, is amazing!
    Have a nice day! Mój blog/ KLIK :))

  2. Cool photos! Love bracelet and skirt:)

  3. love the skirt! i love the bracelet too so cool :)

    Alice's Pink Diary

  4. You look so beatiful babe! Love the whole outfit, is perfect!!
    Have a nice day,
    come and visit my blog if you want!

  5. Like your outfit! I was wearing something similar just yesterday :)

    Have a lovely day!
    House of Illusions


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