hello guys ! Oh my good it’s been such a long time, I’m so sorry, but it was all about parties last days and celebrating graduation, you know. Also my cousin from USA and her friends visited my house. It really was an amazing time for me, just perfect beginning of the summer, if it’s real summer ?! Weather is more than terrible, is cold and raining almost non stop last week. I just hate it, because I want to wear shorts and not freeze. Can anybody help me ?

So It’s like Monday and finally it dosn’t mean learning, going to school and surviving boring lessons, it’s just another day to be happy. I’m just on my way to the city with my dad and then I’m just going to meet my friend. I’m so happy. Photos which you can see below where taken by the lake when we’ve been going with my sis to the camp, yes for ten days I’m the only child ha ha. It was like the only moment when it was like pretty warm last week and I finally had an opportunity to take some photos. 

Lately I'm completely obsessed with suit. One piece clothing which is I think the most comfortable thing on earth. If you don't have even one you have to buy it and you will love it ! Compared with jeans jacket, some jewelry and flash tattoo it looks pretty amazing and chic.

outfit of the day:
Suit: H&M
Bag: Mohito
Bracelets: Bijou Brigitte 


Thank you for every comment you add. It's the biggest motivation for me !